CellTrust SL2 Boosts Client Communication at Anderson Financial Strategies on their Preferred Channel – Text
Anderson Financial Strategies (AFS) a private wealth management and retirement plan consultancy and CellTrust customer, recently shared their SL2 experience:
On a mission to provide top quality, highly responsive financial expertise through an honest relationship, the advisory team at AFS leverage industry best practices combined with frequent and open client communication.
Keeping their clients plugged into an ecosystem of financial advice, designed to deliver confidence around their financial strategy, requires a reliable, convenient and compliant communication channel – and the clients at AFS chose text messaging.
“We used to have to reroute text messages from our clients when they came in because we had no way to archive them for compliance, explained Shon Anderson, Chief Wealth Strategist, Anderson Wealth Strategies. “Now that we have CellTrust SL2, our clients can communicate through the method they prefer – text. We are thrilled as it is working seamlessly, and we are communicating with them more than ever.”
SL2 separates personal and work activity on the same smartphone by deploying a separate Mobile Business Number™ (MBN). AFS changed their company signature to include their SL2 MBN, which has now become the company business number. AFS advisors can either text from the MBN directly from their personal mobile phones or their computer desktops or tablets.
In addition to empowering clients on their preferred communication channel, SL2 has dramatically reduced response times. SL2 compliant text messaging is driving productivity with responsive communication while in the office or on the go.
“It’s gratifying when our technology aligns with a company’s values and becomes an essential part of their strategy,” said Sean Moshir, CellTrust’s Chairman and CEO. “We too are thrilled that both the clients and advisors at Anderson Financial Strategies are benefiting so much from SL2.”
Learn more about how CellTrust SL2™ helps those operating in the financial services, government and healthcare industries to securely and compliantly manage, capture, and archive text messaging, chat and voice communications, balance BYOD, CYOD and COPE mobile productivity, risk and control and enforce regulatory compliance, i.e., Dodd-Frank Act, GLBA, SOX, FINRA, SEC, FCA, MiFID II, FOIA, Sunshine Laws, Public Records Laws, HIPAA.
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